Chabad of Bucktown & YJP Chicago 2024 Year-End Campaign
Thanks to our generous matchers every donation is doubled!
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Select a Sponsorship or enter any amount:
with Matchers
$36 with Matchers
Jonah Toch
In honor of Evelyn Toch
$72 with Matchers
Anonymous Donor
$200 with Matchers
David Rosenberg
$720 with Matchers
Mordechai Moscowitz
→via Levi Moscowitz
$42 with Matchers
Mendy Shishler
Ryan Fidell
$1,440 with Matchers
Natan Ostro
→via Natan Ostro
Barry Ladizinski
In honor of Enya bas Chaya Surah
→via Lchatchila Ariber! (Mel)
$730 with Matchers
In honor of Godl Ben Yakov
$432 with Matchers
→via Binyomin Kamen
Jordyn Harris
In honor of Melanie Jayo
$360 with Matchers
Cathy & Ezra Ilani
In memory of Shlomo ben Farha, Chaim ben Rivka, Chaya Leah bat Carina
$100 with Matchers
Faina Perelman
→via Pesach and Lev
Rachel Bachrach
$236 with Matchers
Yael Derman
Thank you for all that you do!! So appreciative of your warmth and inclusion!
Sam Steinberg
Please keep doing what you're doing!
Aleeza Zaner
→via Team Miller
$80 with Matchers
Mark Friedland
Joshua Malkin
In memory of Rabbi Zvi Kogan
→via Avi Saltzman
$50 with Matchers
Ellen Avila
→via The Zaners!
Emily Kligman
Love you always, Chabad of Bucktown! Thank you for everything!
→via The City Mikvah
In memory of Jacob ben ztepora
Jordan Landauer
$770 with Matchers
Edward Adler
David Herrera
$300 with Matchers
Amir Lalezar
In honor of Gil Daniels
$180 with Matchers
Darren Miller
In memory of אַבָּא
$4,400 with Matchers
Julie And Gary Turkel
Amazing job
Rafi Herzfeld
Razi Rocks!
Aaron Freedkin
→via Yarden
$10,800 with Matchers
$552 with Matchers
Esther Ira
Caleb Ugent
Isaac Mintz
$1,000 with Matchers
Ari Roth
$7,200 with Matchers
Abe Goldstein
$108 with Matchers
Alix Braverman
Refael Suissa
Jeffrey Lipkowitz
$144 with Matchers
Paul Benario
Michele Zucker
H Israel
$1,200 with Matchers
Sara Israel
Rhonda Marcus
$56 with Matchers
Tzuriel Amster
In honor of Rabbi Yosef and Sarah Moscowitz
Kimberly Wolfson
In memory of Charles Wolfson
→via Kim Wolfson
For the recovery of Lisa Shwartz
$1,080 with Matchers
Reyzl Goldberg
In memory of Yaakov shlomo Ben dovid &nechama Dina bas Yaakov shlomo
$3,600 with Matchers
Mordechai Walder
$18 with Matchers
Friend Of Levi Moscowitz
Rivka Goldfarb
Shimrit and Daniel Wolf
God gives to each of us a particular purpose for a particular time.
Alex Gold
Avi Stein
Nuchie Schapiro
$20 with Matchers
In honor of The 13 day Farbrengen
Alexander Burda
Malcolm Block
For the recovery of Yehudit bat Beila
Joel Griffith
In memory of Edward "Papa" Wolfeld
$500 with Matchers
Mordechai Kurinsky
You're the best ✨️
Carolyn Zabinsky
Beth Zabinsky
Carly Wine
In honor of The Moscowitz Family, LOVE, community, Israel! Thank you for everything you do!!!I love you and your family so much!!!💗💗💗💗💗
Malka Saletta
Kenneth Salkover
In memory of William B. Salkover
Stuart Berger
Bentzion Sudak
$600 with Matchers
Jose Avila
In honor of Aleeza
Ronald Landauer
Craig Burke
Pinchos Sudak
Tiffany Sanders
Yana Kolbasov
Mariana Buchman
In memory of Shmuel "Seva" Buchman
Menachem Schechter
Ariel Gorenstein
In honor of Michael Avery
Razi Miller
In memory of Leybel ben Yitzak
→via Jeff Stine
Chaya P
In honor of Mussie!
$520 with Matchers
Mendy & Chaya Mushka Hecht
Joshua Nathan
In honor of אמחי אורי קוולסקי
$2,000 with Matchers
Ben Israel
Kiki L
$1,800 with Matchers
Chemi Struasburg
→via Lisa Karpas
Greg Carlin
$10 with Matchers
Ben Friedman
$140 with Matchers
Levi Greenberg
Josh Nankin
$120 with Matchers
Yaakov & Shira & Shimmy & Shulamit Frankiel
Shmuel Katz
Peter Goldman
Levi Sasonkin
In honor of Levi Moskowitz אין כמוך בעולם
Tzemach Dovid Gordon
Morgan Riddleberger
Mendel Lison
$400 with Matchers
Dovid Moscowitz
In honor of Best Mommy & Tatty
Zali Raichik
Danny Altschul
In honor of Moshe Altschul
Ben Weinschneider
Gavriel Schapiro
→via Natan Vorobiovski
Sholom Ber & Rivka Sternberg
Mike Fookson
Y Deege Levin
Ben Dorfman
In honor of Dan Ben Asher
Chayale Hershcovich
In honor of Sara who is awesome
Baruch and Chana Goldshmidt
Mandy Hakimi
In honor of Chava Leah Bas Sphrintze Bluma for Refuah Shleima
Nachum Wineberg
Lisa Solomon
Danielle Shlimon
In honor of TBD
Judith Superstein
Mendel Golomb
In honor of Levi M Productions from MGPF
$3,456 with Matchers
Elana Ariber
In honor of Rabbi Yosef and Sara who work tirelessly for our community
Boruch & Chana Gurevitch
In honor of Rabbi Yosef Moscowitz
$3,960 with Matchers
$40 with Matchers
Levi Moscowitz
In honor of Levi Moscowitz
Robert Augenlicht
In the merit of the hostages and the safe return of all of the soldiers in the IDF
Illana Weintraub
In memory of Philip and Ari Weintraub
Damon Mathias
Chaya Friedman
Ned (Yosef Asher) Mahic
Hannah Mauer
Team Sam Wise!
→via Sam Wise
Vadim Brand
→via Jacob Custer
Helee Lev
Moshe and Leah Moscowitz
Much Hatzlachah!
Claudia Negron
In honor of JOEL
Adriana de Julio
In honor of Bucktown
Alona Botnar
Amanda Newman
Teri And Zach Appel
In honor of Rabbi and Sara Moscowitz
Warren Wolfson
In honor of Kimberly Wolfson
Esther R Moscowitz
Edna Pardillo
Brian Press
In honor of Rabbi Moscowitz and family!
Matthew Engel
$4,320 with Matchers
Michael Zaner
For the recovery of Esther Bracha bas Basha
Cheeko Abramczyk
In honor of Mikey & Aliza!
Debbie Gassman
$52 with Matchers
Eli Newmark
Hatzlacha rabba!
Rabbi Red
Boruch Star
Elissa Kramer
Arnold Schneider
In honor of Mallory and Miles Schneider
Dovi Cozocaru
→via Hanania Moscovici
Annie Lawrence
Yisroel Ebert
Dovid & Esther Feder
M. Moscowitz
$322 with Matchers
Melissa Swed
In the merit of l'iluyi nimshat Bluma Chana bat Chaiky and the speedy release of all hostages
Elizabeth Zaner
Joe Roth
Lisa Karpas
Thanks to the Bucktown Rabbi, Rebbetzin and kids.
Stacy Holzman
In honor of Mikey and Aleeza Zaner
Rochel Leah Firfer
In honor of amazing Lisa Karpus!
Anastasia Krueger
Chaim and Rachel Grossfeld
Victoria Bryant
In memory of Rona Kurtz
Jacob Custer
Anthony Leonard
In honor of Michael and Aleeza Zaner
$5,616 with Matchers
E Ruth
Chad Meduna
GOAL: $1,800
GOAL: $0
GOAL: $1,000
GOAL: $36,000
GOAL: $4,000
GOAL: $3,600
GOAL: $5,400
GOAL: $18,000